You were recommended to us by our breeder
We wanted someone to provide good training for our new puppy and you were recommended to come out to us by our breeder “Cherie” from “Boldingold German Shepherd Kennels.”
We were very impressed with how quickly Zeus was able to pick up the methods that were used and I was quick surprised at how simple and easy they were to apply. I’m very impressed with how quickly he has picked it up in such a short time.
Zeus can sit, he can come, he’s walking on a lead and he’s stopped going in the garden and we’re still in the process of stopping him from biting but it’s working as well using the techniques.
I liked the one-on-one training in our own backyard. It made the training easier to follow in his own environment without the other distractions.
The DVD is very informative, a lot of information and it is good to have that to go back to and watch after the training as well just in case there was something we missed or needed to know again. It was good to see that on the DVD.