Dog obedience didn’t work, so we called Sharon
September 29, 2014
We had a 4 month old Border Collie puppy with a few problems. We went to dog obedience and found it didn’t work. We needed one on one training so contacted Sharon.
The problems we were having with our pup were: Beau kept jumping up on people, wanted to be inside all the time and wouldn’t go in his crate at night time and wouldn’t come when called.
Sharon came and helped us correct all our problems and we are very happy with the service. Our dog now stays outside, he doesn’t jump up on people and he comes to us so we would recommend Sharon to anybody.
Sharon gave us the DVD which we watched and we thought it was excellent, we have it as a keep sake to go back to and watch again if we do have any further problems. So the DVD was very good!