Since Sharon came all the problems have been fixed | Success Puppy Training
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Since Sharon came all the problems have been fixed

jimboomba puppy training reviews
29 Sep, 2014

Since Sharon came all the problems have been fixed

September 29, 2014

We had a new puppy and we wanted to make sure she was trained and would do what we wanted her to do.

Before Sharon came she was digging, not coming when she was called, jumping up on people all the time, chewing things, eating plants, taking thongs, jumping up on the furniture and weeing inside. Since Sharon came all the problems have been fixed. There are a just couple of things we are still working on but they are things that do take time. We are just really really happy with the way she has progressed in such a short time.

We are just amazed in the change in our dog. From Friday to Monday she is just so totally different. We’ve got a dog that is enjoyable now! We’ve gone from yelling and screaming and being continuously stressed or annoyed with her to her now being enjoyable and so good. The stress is gone!

We would definitely recommend the DVD. A lot of the points on the DVD Sharon had run through with us but it is a good thing to sit there and be able to watch it and go through it, so we’ve got it there at all times to refresh and go over anything that we may need to check on again.

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